Optima Bowling Coach-Play Clinic

(Last Update 1/25/24)

The Hybrid Coach-Play Perspective

Think of performance as The Way one functions and, within the optima bowling coach context, the way to self-authorization, which is the hybrid coach-play perspective.

This year (2023), we are taking a giant leap past the original Optima Bowling Coach perspective that suggested that we have a bowling coach-athlete relation problem, a commonly ignored issue created from the perception that the performer has behavior problems, as perceived from the point of view of an external observer (coach).

If you look closely, since 2018, the optima bowling coach has made two giant leaps. Giant leaps are difficult, for sure, so move slowly through what follows and enjoy as you find your way. Remember, my research for my development, is a resource, for your research for your development.

[See More: Teacher-Student Relationship]

Optima Bowling Energetic Transition

  • First realization: With a shift to the hybrid coach-play perspective, self-research for self-development and performance activation, this self-initiated self-authorization perspective becomes the coaching evolution movement for individual mental-causal self-consciousness development, monitored by the Phycology of Lifespan Performance and Perceptual Control (LPPC model).
  • Secondly, the research for livelihood development, the transition from ignoring to working upon worlds, applied to the optima bowling coach-play clinic, systemically expands to include the personal-self-societal human development movement. That ascends through the physical, emotional, and mental-casual worlds, ever higher levels of self-consciousness, and development of the five societal stages (barbarian, civilization, culture, humanity, and ideality).
  • Thirdly, the Optima Bowling clinic is virtual-hypothetical. But its value is fundamental as a challenge-opportunity for every human being to apply the "my research for my development" procedure and participate in this scientific investigation of the coaching evolution movement beyond mainstream coaching standards. From the hybrid coach-play perspective, we ascend to the mental-causal world and push past the impasse imposed by our current fragmented, limited, inadequate practice of performance management built on a foundation of controlling behaviors.

Consequently, the main problem to resolve is that what we need to work on to push through the impasse is a mystery to most people. So, as they continue ignoring what they don't know for the sake of their emotional imagination while maintaining their isolation for unknown reasons, they will never understand this personal obstruction.

I. Lifespan Performance and Perceptual Control Model

An epiphany, an aha moment, happened in February 2023 while working on the Optima Bowling Coach research and development project; I finally resolved my 1968 question. I now know what is wrong with this crazy, idiotic, emotional world of ours. The solution is a transition that applies to everyone. At that moment, I stopped ignoring worlds and began working upon worlds and formed a hybrid coach-play perspective (i.e., livelihood development and lifespan performance).

In the Psychology of Lifespan Performance and Perceptual Control (the LPPC model), the energy of "my research for my development" directly calculates new or confirms current reference perceptions for my lifespan performance purpose, integrity, and experience. Then, my actions to control my intended perceptions begin to reflect actual perceptions that become inputs for another pass through the "my research for my development" phase. And around the negative feedback loop, I go again.

Psychology of lifespan performance and perceptual control

Perceptual Control Theory (PCT)

For all living organisms' behavior is the control of perceptions. This inherent mechanism is the foundation of the complex system utilized as the basis of the psychology of the LPPC model. As you can see, rather than being linear as per the model of controlling behavior (behaviorism or cognitive behavior), the perceptual control theory view is a 12-level hierarchy of cyclical negative feedback control systems. The energy flow ascends during the research for development phase. It descends levels for performance activation to maintain one's reference perceptions, known as controlled variables (purpose, intentions, or goals) acting on the environment.

In the case of the optima bowling coach-play clinic, the system concept reference perceptions (level 12) we attempt to control are contained in the developmental triad, personal-self-societal, as the evolutionary development ascension through the worlds of physical, emotional, and mental-causal.

See More: What is PCT?

The Optima Bowling Coach-Play Clinic Ecosystem

The Optima Bowling Coach Clinic teaching and learning ecosystem, from the coach-play self-authorization perspective, is contained within the psychology of lifespan performance and perceptual control.

II. My Research for My Development
- Transition from Ignoring to Working Upon

Individually, to be practical, the everyday purpose we share with all of Humanity is the practice of lifespan performance and perceptual control to monitor research for livelihood development, the transition from ignoring worlds to working upon worlds.

Livelihood Development Phase

At our current level, we, as potential coach-play, self-authorization, earthbound beings, have four levels (natural worlds) of self-consciousness development to work upon (listed in order of development, lowest to highest), beginning with the Visible-Phyisical World and ascending toward Humanity's goal of the Mental-Causal World.

  • Visible-Physical World
  • Physical-Etheric World
  • Emotional World
  • Mental-Causal World

See More: Transition from Ignoring to Working Upon

Lifespan Performance Life View Activation

The lifespan performance activation phase works on the essentials of reaching mental-causal self-consciousness activation, as learned during the self-research for self-development phase.

Your life view is built on an unchanging world view of existence, reality, and life, in which there are three basic and inseparable aspects: Matter, consciousness, and motion/energy.

However, your lifespan performance activation life view is, as is life, ever-changing; this includes personal assumptions and intentions that change while you relate to others and interact with happenings around you. Unique perspective, yes, but unreliable through which to judge the world.

4 Domains of OBA

Lifespan Performance Life View Fundamentals:

  • Individual [Subjectivity]
  • Society [Intersubjectivity]
  • Environment [Objectivity]
  • Performance [Interobjectivity]

See More: Cohesive Life View

Activation - Workout the Life View Questions

The Optima Bowling Coach Clinic workout of the lifespan performance life view questions is based on the daily purposeful practice of lifespan performance and perceptual control to monitor livelihood development.

From the hybrid coach-play perspective of self-authorization, the individual manages the transition from ignoring worlds to working upon worlds, a livelihood development process monitored by what the Optima Bowling Coach has identified as performance activation that commences with the workout of the life view questions concerning the (1) Individual, (2) Society, (3) Environment, and (4) Performance.

  1. Why: Self-control or assisted-control? See: Self-Control
  2. How: What is your game?
  3. What: Aware of interconnections?
  4. Way: What do you want to achieve?

See More: The Purposeful PIE

See More: Cohesive Life View

III. Optima Bowling Clinic Teaching and Learning

The Optima Bowling Coach-Play Clinic, teaching and learning environment, features the four phases of performance authenticity, an essential educational awareness tool.

From Hypothetical to Actual

While creating the Optima Bowling Coach-Play Clinic page, from the hybrid coach-play perspective, with thoughts of moving from virtual-hypothetical to actual, it became apparent that the Optima Bowling Coach Clinic cannot be simply about creating another bowling coach system that is just counter to what we have now.

This presentation has authentic value as a challenge-opportunity to experiment with applying self-research for self-development to lead us through the coaching evolution movement beyond mainstream coaching standards as a scientific investigation. From the hybrid coach-play perspective, we push past our current fragmented, limited, inadequate practice of performance management built on a controlling behaviors foundation to at least focus our efforts on the performance versatility phase.

From the coaching evolution movement context, you may have noticed that I have applied education theory research as an essential practice. By joining the 21st Century education system innovators, I have used their approaches while creating the first three phases of performance authenticity: Pedagogy, andragogy, and heutagogy. The fourth phase originates from self-initiated self-authorization.

Again, the bowling clinic presented here is a virtual hypothetical. But for those of you who are actively coaching or are bowling students, I am suggesting a requirement that a bowling coach business is more than a solopreneur operation. The assumption is that the most accomplished coaches and players perform from the coach-play perspective of self-authorization at the performance authenticity phase #4, performance optimization.

Coaching clinics should begin every session with a summation of the four phases of performance authenticity. After the initial evaluation, match individuals by levels: coaches and players. I ask that a bowling coach-play clinic business have multiple coaches at levels matching the players' levels to create the much-needed separation. Remember, we are a community of practice, so I also assume there would be no problem finding coaches at the top three performance authenticity phases.

The alternative would be a Silver Level coach working with multiple students at all three levels and forcing a barely adequate clinic for bowlers at different performance authenticity phases. Clinics of this nature are less than optimal from a coach-play perspective. From the struggling student's point of view, as I've discovered, being a student at such bowling clinics is, in fact, less than optimal. The student does not get enough or proper attention at their specific level and suffers the consequences, as will an attentive coach suffer remorse.

From this assumption, if the bowling student is a professional, you must be or have a gold-level coach on your staff.

See More: Bowling Coach Education for Maturation

IV. My research for my development,
as a resource, for your research for your development.

Please utilize the Optima Bowling Coach Home Page as a guide to relevant research resources.

See More: Optima Bowling Academy

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