Livelihood Development Phase

(Page Updated 1/5/24)

Here, we will look at the livelihood development phase of the psychology of lifespan performance and perceptual control model. Livelihood development is an ascending movement of self-research for self-development. It is contained in a dynamic systemic ascending and descending negative feedback control real-time living process.

Self-Research for Consciousness Development Manual

Expanding self-understanding through ongoing inquiry allows one to consciously upgrade rational decision-making, actions, and physical creations by aligning with an ancient Greek teaching based on a working hypothesis that reveals where and when of humanity and who we are as relating to the cosmos.

From my research, I can tell you where we are: We are in a solar system, and the worlds of Mankind are visible-physical, physical-etheric, emotional, and mental-casual. Who we are, at a minimum: Incarnate evolving organisms with inherent self-consciousness centered in the visible-physical world. And when we appeared, well, it is more complex, let’s say, a really long time ago.

This pragmatic guide details practices to help one build efficient self-research for self-development across four interconnected dimensions of self-consciousness evolution.

1. The Visible-Physical World

The visible-physical dimension comprises organic beings attuned to external material reality. The human organism incarnates in this world. This body provides a crucial foundation for stability as we ascend to causality. Common challenges arise when the visible-physical body is neglected or abused, progressively impairing the evolution of self-consciousness. Integrating the physical body and higher dimensions of Humanity is essential.

Practices for Visible-Physical Investigation & Upgrade

  • Noticing Needs - Track effects of actions and intended and unintended consequences and context of unmet requirements signaled through hunger, injury, and exhaustion.
  • Correlating Impacts - Determine connections between situations, places, activities, and their nourishment or taxing of fitness.
  • Establishing Supportive Rhythms - Craft routines aligning feeding, movement, and recovery to daily life cycles, supporting vitality.
  • Upgrading Environments – When possible, assist society in consciously designing spaces, communities, and societal habits to sustain sensible physical well-being.

2. The Physical-Etheric World

The physical-etheric world comprises our patterns of energetic flow, cycles of wakefulness, focus, fatigue, or distraction. Observing inner conflict, we reclaim authority over faculties like will, motivation, and attention. Common challenges arise when energy becomes chained to lower impulses. The addictive lure of entertainment, technology, or stimulants can override growth.

Practices for Physical-Etheric Investigation & Upgrade

  • Noticing Fluctuation - Track how enthusiasm and endurance ascend, peak, and deplete across contexts.
  • Correlating Causes - Determine connections between media, friends, and environmental disturbances to intended and unintended consequences.
  • Concentration Training – Practice directing and sustaining attention smoothly between diverse emotional demands.
  • Replenishing Reservoirs - Moderate artificial stimulants while seeking natural sources of recovery.

3. The Emotional World

The emotional world contains our personality characteristics of assumption and pressure. Investigating here with sustained attention replenishes the capacity for choice amidst reactive patterns. Becoming trapped in negative emotional cycles impedes stability and access to the mental-causal world. Blind reactivity inhibits self-authorization.

Practices for Emotional Investigation & Upgrade

  • Mapping - Journal emotional waypoints. Visualize feeling landscapes.
  • Discovering Triggers - Note contexts triggering anger, insecurity, or avoidance. Test correlations.
  • Understanding Cycles - Recognize environmental disturbances leading to outbursts. Explore roots (i.e., conflicting controlled perceptions).
  • Upgrading Responses – Transition from reactive states to communicate interactively. Identify assumptions requiring an upgrade.

4. The Mental-Causal World

The mental-causal world governs perceptions, emotions, and conflicts that form our interpreted experience of all that happens to us. Observing perceptual inputs, conflict comparisons, and action, we control intended perceptions by working through disturbances to maintain intentions. Cultivating mental-causal self-consciousness means relieving identification with compulsive emotional fake mentalizing. Here, self-research and self-development are most important. Developing mental-causal self-consciousness is only possible if one can find resources beyond the exoteric mystics, spiritualists, and others centered in the emotional world. It is imperative that we free awareness from attachment to emotional thought structures.

Practices for Mental-Causal Investigation & Upgrade

  • Taking Inventory - Catalog the assumptions and emotional thought patterns that are falsely overriding the intentions of our system concept perceptions.
  • Noticing Limits - Inquire into and work through distortions that interpretations impose upon direct experience.
  • Releasing Identification - Practice observation of environmental disturbances and compulsive emotional fake mentalizing to allow thoughts to self-liberate.
  • Upgrading Cognition: Apply perspective and systems thinking to notice interdependencies. Then, consciously apply mental models serving self-consciousness development in the mental-causal world.

By ascending (self-research) these interconnected worlds, we systematically unlock self-consciousness in each subsequent world (self-development). Each following perspective awaits our resolve to question inward without limit. This self-research for self-development is the livelihood development phase of the psychology of lifespan performance and perceptual control, a dynamic systemic ascending and descending negative feedback control real-time living process.

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