The Purposeful PIE

(Last Updated: 3/2/24)

Working within the site context of the practical coaching evolution movement: (1) Livelihood and Lifespan Relation, (2) Psychology of Lifespan Performance and Perceptual Control, (3) Transition from Ignoring Worlds to Working Upon Worlds, and (4) Self-Research for Self-Development; The Purposeful PIE, helps us by communicating the interconnected interdependency of Why, How, and What subjective and objective process that shapes the individual human being's lifespan.

Elements of The Purposeful PIE

  • Purpose – The Why, is self-intended
  • Integrity - The How is, level of wholeness
  • Experience - The What, is the above activated

Start With Why?

Start with the purpose (The Why), start with integrity (The How), or start with experience (The What).

Here’s a rough sketch of The Purposeful PIE, the coach-play perspective, in motion.

Coach-Play Perspective in Motion

Coach-Play Perspective in Motion     BC Vann 10/22/23

One can begin the process from any position at any world level.

This graphic highlights explicitly components of the purposeful PIE in motion, operating within the psychology of lifespan performance.

Simon Sinek's book Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action (2009) is a popular resource in business leadership and management literature. The central thesis of the book is the idea of the "Golden Circle," a concept Sinek developed to explain how to create a foundation for successful leadership and inspire cooperation, trust, and change. You may have read or heard of it. Either way, it is one of my recommended research resources.

The Golden Circle:

  1. Why: This is the core belief of the business. It's why the business exists.
  2. How: This is how the business fulfills that core belief.
  3. What: This is what the company does to fulfill that core belief.

Most companies start by explaining what they do and how they do it, but they don't necessarily clarify why they do it. Beyond, of course, the aim to make a profit. Sinek argues that companies that can communicate their "why" are more successful at inspiring people, whether those people are employees, customers, or stakeholders.

I do understand Sinek's point of view.

But, the purposeful PIE, the optima bowling coach view from the coach-play perspective and psychology of lifespan performance, confirms that the why is in a continual development process that actually begins with the what.

So, let’s take a quick look at The What according to the purposeful PIE: The what is your actual physical experience happening moment-by-moment, and is where you begin to discover your correct purpose via the energy of your research for your development. The purposeful PIE procedure to find your purpose begins with this awareness of actual perceptions in the visible physical environment, is set up at the physical-etheric level, and then ascends to the object-subject relationship at the emotional level; this upward movement you will learn to call, "my research for my development".

Then, once the why is developed, at the mental-causal level, one can proceed with the purposeful performance activation movement. The discovery of the why initiates your intentional downward action of performance activation. And we are back to where we began, in the physical environment. Both vectors (1) from the physical-etheric and (2) toward the physical-etheric always involve the emotional and the mental-causal worlds. What (physical-etheric), How (emotional), and Why (mental-causal).

Please note: Although Sinek’s book is primarily aimed at businesses, the principles of Start With Why have been applied in various fields like education, nonprofit organizations, and even personal development, and now, initiated by my hybrid coach-play perspective, in sports.

Starting with "Why" in Personal and Self-Development

Simon Sinek's Start With Why can also apply to personal and self-development; just as a compelling Why can drive a business to success, a well-understood individual purpose, reached through your application of the "my research for my development" ascension reveals your cornerstone of personal growth, motivation, performance activation, and achievement.

As Simon Sinek states: (1) Why: Your core belief, the reason you get out of bed every morning. (2) How: The actions you take that align with your why, (3) What: The outcomes or results of those actions.

Note: Life never stops. Movement-energy-will. Self-consciousness never stops.

Applying the Golden Circle to Your Life

I paraphrased the three aspects of the Golden Circle, with the help of the Optima Bowling hybrid coach-play self-authorization perspective processed via my research for my livelihood development and lifespan performance activation.

  1. Start with Why: When you are prepared, at the mental-causal level (goal clarity or intention), start your performance with purpose.
  2. Articulate How: Once your purpose is clear, at the emotional level, no matter the direction, think about strategies and steps that align with your intended reference perception.
  3. Identify What: At the physical-etheric level, your performance activation has actualized perceptions. Perceptions that don’t match the reference perceptions become objects of your research for self-development, reforming your purpose.

Starting with What Is

When I say what is, I am referring to the results of the performance activation procedure, the outcomes identified as the actualized perceptions happening in the environment. At this position, energy flows from the subject (controlled variable) to the actual condition of the object (resultant form invariance perceptions), which initiates the ascension vector of research for development to make adjustments to or maintain your purpose.

The How - Balancing Why and What

At this pivotal level, the emotional world, we are talking about relationships; here, we constantly balance our purpose and what is actual; anything that requires our attention should not be ignored, missed, or disregarded: Uncontrolled emotions, silly sentiments, and desires, or any other conflictive relationships.

Simon Sinek's Start With Why has provided a business development framework; however, the non-business complexities of real-world scenarios often demand that one give due attention to The How; integrity is the key to unlocking success, inspiring trust, or mastering a skill and knowing when to shift your focus to how is just as important as knowing your why or what. Since our purpose, integrity, and experience are dependent on circumstance, we must follow a systemic, interconnected, inter-dependent energetic, continual movement of a willful process on multiple levels; this methodology includes the purposeful PIE, our mental-causal assistant helping us acknowledge and understand the importance of proceeding from a coach-play perspective, and utilization of the Lifespan Performance and Perceptual Control model to monitor the ascending vector of "my research for my development" toward self-authorization.

A Holistic Approach to Life

1. Purpose (Why): In the past, I studied and applied Simon Sinek's foundational concept of starting with the why. However, I have since discovered (from the hybrid coach-play perspective) that we initiate from experience the ascending movement of research for development to form our purpose (at the mental-causal consciousness level). Only then can one start with the why and flow through the performance activation procedure. That holistic movement is the core of the PIE model. It's the driving force, your intentions, goals, reasons, and the origin of your performance decisions and actions. Thus, your purpose is of the mental-causal level of consciousness, and your system concept perceptions are derived from the coach-play perspective of self-authority.

  • Inspired: Your purpose gives you a reason to aim high and achieve your goals.
  • Optimism: A clear why fuels your optimism, aiding you in visualizing a fulfilling life.

2. Integrity (How): Incorporating How into the PIE model involves more than mere methodology. It's about Integrity, which includes values, ethics, and the wholeness of your approach. It ensures that your methods and actions align seamlessly with your purpose. Integrity involves emotions of relationships: objective-subjective, outer-inner, self-society, personal-otherwise, maintained-conflictive, wholeness-fragmentation, and fundamental-superficial.

  • Empowered: Knowing your How or Integrity instills a sense of empowerment, enabling you to take on challenges with conviction.
  • Aligned: Alignment ensures that your actions are in harmony with your developmentally arrived intentions and your commitments. Think alignment beyond agreement.

3. Experience (What): The third slice of the PIE stands for Experience, the tangible outcomes or what is happening moment-to-moment as perceived actuality. Whether it's career achievements, relationship milestones, or personal well-being, Experience is the observable impact of your Purpose and Integrity, activating your goals in the visible and physical-etheric environments.

  • Involved: Paying attention to what is happening ensures you freely follow your self-authorized performance activations.
  • Confident: Tangible results offer a sense of confidence and fulfillment.

Performance Activation and Purposeful PIE

To increase your knowledge and understanding of purposeful PIE and the language of the hybrid coach-play perspective, review these important points made by Fred Nickols. From the article, Performance Control Theory (2017).

The Control of Performance: A Recap

  • To perform is to achieve one’s aims, to accomplish what one sets out to accomplish and it is these accomplishments that define performance.
  • Performance, then, is defined not by behavior but by the effects or outcomes of behavior.
  • Outcome refers to a change in the value of some variable – from its current to its desired value.
  • Control refers to the ability to direct or influence the course of events in such a way that an intended result or outcome is achieved.
  • The locus of control of an individual’s performance always rests with the individual.
  • The essence of controlling performance is the same: to bring about alignment between the intended or desired value for one or more variables.

What do you want to achieve?

For an example of the purposeful PIE process, let’s look at the fourth of four workout questions: What do you want to achieve?

To answer that question, it would help to have some systemic way to analyze and measure how we are currently doing. To know where we are going, we must start from where we are, from what is. “What is” refers explicitly to one’s life as essentially a historic autobiographic life attended to in real-time, a moment-to-moment lifespan performance activation, within which we find purposeful PIE, a procedure that one can begin from any position, at any world level, and at any time while operating within the psychology of lifespan performance.

From my research for my development, I discovered that it is at the mental-causal level that we define the performance purpose or reference goals. Once one’s intentions are clear, to help explain what happens next, we need to speak the language of the hybrid coach-play perspective, the language of a self-authorized individual, contained by the ascending vector of one’s research for one’s development.

So, what do you want to achieve? Correctly approaching one’s performance activation (the descending vector) requires developing self-authorization. This hybrid coach-play perspective is the inherent purposeful PIE systemic procedure. Please practice it, learn it, know it well, and understand its value. The worst you can do is to ignore it.

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