II. Site Context: Practical Coaching Evolution

(Last Update 11/11/24)

Coaching evolution is a shared development. So, I have chosen practical coaching evolution as the Optima Bowling site context to advocate that humanity’s shared purpose, to be practical, is the practice of lifespan performance and perceptual control to monitor one’s livelihood developmental transition from ignoring worlds to working upon worlds.

So, let’s continue by first looking at this essential element of a practical coaching evolution, the transition from ignoring worlds to working upon worlds.

1. Livelihood and Lifespan Relation

As a task, coaching evolution requires an appropriately essential systemic perspective shift from the habitual focus on the coach-athlete relation dichotomy to an unconventional but fundamental matter of self-research for self-development performance to activation of the hybrid coach-play perspective.

While observing our world from this perspective, one discovers that most humans are only slightly self-conscious of their physical, emotional, and mental worlds, the worlds of human evolutionary ascension of consciousness development (outlined above as worldview). This tiny bit of knowledge is crucial to initiate the transition from ignoring worlds to working upon worlds, the ongoing process of livelihood development monitored by lifespan performance activation.

See More: Livelihood and Lifespan Relation

2. Psychology of Lifespan Performance and Perceptual Control

The psychology of lifespan performance and perceptual control (the LPPC model) monitors the energy of the research for livelihood development phase by directly calculating new or confirming current reference perceptions for one’s lifespan performance purpose, integrity, and experience. Then, by taking actions to control the intended perceptions, one begins to reflect on the actual perceptions that become inputs for another pass through the research for livelihood development phase. And around the negative feedback loop, we go again.

See More: Purposeful PIE

Lifespan Performance and Perceptual Control Model

Psychology of lifespan performance and perceptual control

Perceptual Control Theory (PCT)

For all living organisms' behavior is the control of perceptions. This inherent mechanism is the foundation of the complex system utilized above. The perceptual control theory view is a hierarchy system of cyclical negative feedback control systems, in contrast to linear as per the controlling behaviors model (behaviorism or cognitive behavior theories).

Procedurally, energy flows upward during the self-research for self-development phase and down levels for the performance activation phase. This bidirectional cyclical motion works directly on calculating new or confirming current reference perceptions, known as controlled variables (purpose, intentions, or goals) acting to control the environment.

See More: NewView of Behavior

3. Transition from Ignoring Worlds to Working Upon Worlds

The baseline knowledge for working upon worlds is captured in the Hylozoic world view. This knowledge is crucial to the livelihood development phase and for coaching evolution, which require the realization and practice of the transition from ignoring worlds to working upon worlds.

Individual Human Development

Individually, to be practical, the everyday purpose is to practice lifespan performance and perceptual control to monitor livelihood development. From newly available esoteric knowledge, the transition from ignoring worlds to working upon worlds can knowingly focus specifically on the four natural worlds listed in order of development, lower to higher.

  • Visible-Physical World
  • Physical-Etheric World
  • Emotional World
  • Mental-Causal World

See More: Transition from Ignoring to Working Upon

4. Self-Research for Self-Development

As I have already pointed out, self-research for self-development is necessary for coaching evolution. Let's take a closer look at the elements.

  • Self-research for self-development directly reflects coaching evolution from the hybrid coach-play perspective.
  • The hybrid coach-play perspective equates to the overall process of livelihood development monitored by lifespan performance and perceptual control.
  • The result is self-initiated self-authorization.

From the psychology of lifespan performance and perceptual control (diagram above), the thought process is as follows: Livelihood development is your ascension through four worlds, visible-physical, physical-etheric, emotional, and mental-causal, where with each subsequent ascending move, you find a new future. With each progression, your lifespan performance becomes the practical practice of activating each new future within the present moment.

Next, understanding the phrase, self-research for self-development begins with knowledge of how your mental world functions. One discovers that self-research for self-development follows a personal-self-societal developmental procedure contained within the mental mechanism where behavior is the control of perceptions.

As discussed above, we monitor our self-research for self-development phase via the lifespan performance activation phase. The overall movement, in theory, reveals a twelve-level hierarchical living control system of PCA control systems:

  • Perception - Input
  • Comparator – Conflict Calculator
  • Action – Performance Activation

Individually speaking, the hybrid coach-play perspective requires an understanding of these three control systems as program or procedural reference perceptions (level 10):

  1. Self-research for self-development.
  2. Transition from ignoring worlds to working upon worlds.
  3. Performance activation.

See More: Research for Development

See More: Character Development

Individual Evolution and Coaching Evolution Relationship

Do you understand what's wrong?

  1. You need knowledge of the issue in question to understand what is wrong. So, you must ask questions.
  2. For example: Ask yourself, how did I develop into the individual I am today?
  3. As for me, after 55 years of research for my development to refine my understanding, I am asking, how did I finally find the resolution to my 1968 question, "What the hell is wrong with this crazy, emotional, idiotic world of ours?" I am asking, what did I know that triggered understanding?
  4. Next, think about this: As the Optima Bowling Coach, when I advise you to move into the future, your decision to move forward relies on understanding your knowledge of the principle of our overarching need for livelihood development, the process of individual evolution, which presumes an understanding of the resolution to what is wrong with this crazy world of ours. And you hear me say, this I encourage with the phrase, the transition from ignoring worlds to working upon worlds.
  5. And now, what do you think when I make the statement regarding the personal-self-societal developmental procedure? As details become known and understood, your perceptual control system, even without your conscious intervention, can automatically, unconsciously, and subconsciously attend to your lifespan performance goals and intentions, learn how to disentangle, and, depending on your level of consciousness, release you from specific inadequacies of this crazy, emotional, idiotic world of ours?
  6. Finally, evolved human beings can eventually help humanity discover and practice the Will to Unity, which is revealed only to causal selves living in the causal-essential world. What do you want to know so that you can understand that movement?

So, ask questions. Do your research for your development.

See Next: III. Coaching Evolution: The Hybrid Coach-Play Perspective

See More: Optima Bowling Academy

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